Malawi Household Baseline Survey Data (2023) - MaDiPHS Project

The data provides a comprehensive assessment of the current status of agriculture covering eight districts in Malawi: Thyolo, Mulanje, Chiradzulu and Balaka (Southern Region); Salima, Dowa and Lilongwe (Central Region) and Nkhatabay (Northern Region). The districts represented all the agroecological zones in Malawi and the data covers crops such as maize, cassava, groundnuts, tomato and banana. The data was collected from 20 June-20 July 2023.


The data will be used by MaDipHS project to develop strategies for targeted and efficient pest and disease management in maize, cassava, soybean, groundnut, banana, and tomato production in Malawi.



Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Crop Maize
Pest Unknown
Reference number
Countries covered Malawi
Area covered (GeoJson coordinates, use to create)
Type of spatial resolution n/a
Spatial information for data records Data records are NOT included
Temporal resolution 6 months
Timestamp for data records Data records are included and SOME include a timestamp
Validity period start 2023-06-20
Validity period end 2027-12-31
Dataset size
Dataset format Electronic
Language English
Date created 2023-09-08
Frequency of update Infrequently/unscheduled
Last updated 2023-07-08
Privacy The data does not contain any personal or commercial information
Version 1.0
Author IITA-Malawi
Author Email IITA-Malawi
Maintainer Adane
Maintainer Email Adane