Weather Observations for Malawi

Weather observation involves the systematic collection and recording of meteorological data at specific locations and times. This data includes a variety of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, and cloud cover.

Observations Parameters available here:

Rainfall, Temperature, and Humidity data from Automatic Weather Stations (AWS)


From March 2018 to present.


Installed and managed in Malawi by TAHMO and the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS)

Data Type:

Tabular data

Additional Information:

The AWS network, installed by TAHMO, is jointly owned and operated by DCCMS and TAHMO in Malawi.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
    Pest Unknown
    Reference number
    Countries covered Malawi
    Area covered (GeoJson coordinates, use to create)
    Type of spatial resolution Rainfall recorded at station level Automatically
    Spatial information for data records Data records are included and ALL are georeferences
    Temporal resolution Hourly
    Timestamp for data records Data records are included and ALL include a timestamp
    Validity period start
    Validity period end
    Dataset size <1mb
    Dataset format
    Language English
    Date created 2018-03-01
    Frequency of update Hourly
    Last updated
    Author DCCMS
    Author Email DCCMS
    Maintainer Yobu Kachiwanda
    Maintainer Email Yobu Kachiwanda