Fifth Integrated Household Survey 2019-2020 Survey (IHS5)

The microdata has plot level data on crops grown (maize) during rainy and dimba seasons, GPS coordinates, maize varieties used, planting period, garden measurement, cultivation practices (weeing), cropping patterns (sole, mixed), farm inputs (fertilizer use), pests and pesticides use, yields

From the IHS5 data set, we will have crop specific data on pest and pest management for these crops: Maize, Cassava, groundnuts, Bananas and tomato. Below are the tables of interest:

  1. Proportion of gardens planted with Maize, Cassava, groundnuts, Bananas and tomato
  2. Distribution of maize gardens attached by maize pest type
  3. Area plated with crop type by district
  4. Pesticide used to treat maize attacked by pest type
  5. Distribution of cassava gardens attached by cassava pest type
  6. Pesticide used to treat cassava attacked by pest type
  7. Distribution of cassava gardens attached by cassava pest type
  8. Pesticide used to treat cassava attacked by pest type
  9. Distribution of groundnuts gardens attached by groundnut pest type
  10. Pesticide used to treat groundnuts attacked by pest type
  11. Distribution of Banana gardens attached by banana pest type
  12. Pesticide used to treat Banana attacked by pest type
  13. Distribution of Tomato gardens attached by tomato pest type
  14. Pesticide used to treat tomato attacked by pest type


To provide information on welfare and socio-economic indicators. It also provides data needs for the review of the country’s development strategies including agriculture production



Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
    Pest Unknown
    Reference number
    Countries covered Malawi
    Area covered (GeoJson coordinates, use to create)
    Type of spatial resolution Yield data recorded at the plot-level
    Spatial information for data records Data records are included and ALL are georeferences
    Temporal resolution 1 Year
    Timestamp for data records Data records are included and ALL include a timestamp
    Validity period start
    Validity period end
    Dataset size
    Dataset format
    Language English
    Date created 2020-07-08
    Frequency of update Infrequently/unscheduled
    Last updated 2020-07-08
    Author Wilbert Drazi
    Author Email Wilbert Drazi
    Maintainer Twika Mwalwanda
    Maintainer Email Twika Mwalwanda