Scouting or Sampling for Fall Armyworm in Maize Fields

Some useful notes on FAW field scouting or sampling patterns and programme with the objectives of determining pest presence; incidence of infested plants; numbers of the pest’s life stages (eggs and larvae) per sampling unit (plant or defined area of the field); crop damage levels (usually defined in terms of a visual score); obtain information on other pests damaging the crop alongside FAW and which may need to be managed as well; and determine the effectiveness of a control measure applied previously.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Crop Maize
Pest Fall Armyworm
Countries covered Malawi
Area covered (GeoJson coordinates, use to create)
Dataset type Fact Sheet
Factsheet format Electronic
Language English
Date created 2023-12-06
Frequency of update Annually
Last updated 2023-12-06
Author IITA-Malawi
Author Email IITA-Malawi
Maintainer Jonathan Mkumbira
Maintainer Email Jonathan Mkumbira