Yield data for maize in Malawi

The Agriculture Production Estimates Survey (APES) captures information on crop area, yield and production. Amongst the crops, APES captures yield data for maize for the whole country - all districts. The data contains information on area of maize planted in hectares, yield of maize in kg and production in metric tonnes.


For policy direction on food security, nutrition and trade.



Other information

Data provided to the MaDiPHS Project, should not be shared with a third party without an authorization from DAPS

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Crop Maize
Pest Unknown
Reference number
Countries covered Malawi
Area covered (GeoJson coordinates, use https://geojson.io to create)
Type of spatial resolution
Spatial information for data records Data records are NOT included
Temporal resolution
Timestamp for data records
Validity period start 2022-07-30
Validity period end 2024-12-31
Dataset size n/a
Dataset format Electronic
Language English
Date created 2018-07-08
Frequency of update Annually
Last updated 2023-07-08
Privacy The data does not contain any personal or commercial information
Version 1.0
Author Emmanuel Mwanaleza-Chief Statistician
Author Email Emmanuel Mwanaleza-Chief Statistician
Maintainer Readwell Musopole-Deputy Director of Planning
Maintainer Email Readwell Musopole-Deputy Director of Planning