The microdata has plot level data on crops grown (maize) during rainy and dimba seasons, GPS coordinates, maize varieties used, planting period, garden measurement, cultivation practices (weeing), cropping patterns (sole, mixed), farm inputs (fertilizer use), pests and pesticides use, yields
From the IHS5 cross sectional data set, we will have crop specific data on pest and pest management for these crops: Maize, Cassava, groundnuts, Bananas and tomato. Below are the tables of interest:
- Proportion of gardens planted with Maize, Cassava, groundnuts, Bananas and tomato
- Distribution of maize gardens treated with pesticide
- Area plated with crop type by district
- Distribution of cassava gardens treated with pesticide
- Distribution of groundnuts gardens treated with pesticide
- Distribution of Banana gardens treated with pesticide
- Distribution of Tomato gardens treated with pesticide
- Household's farming practices
To provide information on welfare and socio-economic indicators. It also provides
data needs for the review of the country’s development strategies including agriculture production