Cassava Brown Streak Disease: Pictorial description of disease symptoms and...
Practical information on cassava brown streak disease, picture description of the symptoms. Information on management, a case study of Tanzania Purpose Provide detailled... -
Cassava Mosaic Disease: Pictorial description of dissease symptoms and management
Practical information on cassava mosaic disease, picture description of the symptoms. Information on management, a case study of Tanzania Purpose Provide information to... -
Cassava Green Mite: Introduction, description and management
Practical information on cassava green mite description of the pest, (Information contain Pictures of green mite, and control) Purpose Provide information to stakeholders on how... -
Cassava White Fly: Introduction, description and management
Practical information on cassava white fly description of the pest, monitoring, management and control (Information contain Pictures of whitefly, prevention, monitoring and... -
Use of Botanical pesticides to control pests like Fall armyworm)
Training to empower smallholder farmers with knowledge in use of Integrated Pest Management techniques to minimize losses leading to an increase in yields and income generation....